Monday, December 29, 2008

can you lend me an ear??great!

have you noticed lately, we dont really care anymore who's the listener...
as long as my story is heard, am good..!
but in this process, i came across atleast 30 people telling me how they were agony aunts and people loved telling them their story..
uh huh?
REALITY CHECK: increasing desperation from lack of being comprehended has increased the rate of agonized and so increased rates of agony aunts in return..!!
we all end up being one..
agony aunts are generally what a person likes being called.. gives a self hightening feeling...
so cheers to all the agony aunts.. and hey why not hear it may lead to juicy gossip..;P

Saturday, December 27, 2008



and that too not at the face...!!!!

we were standing at the counter of a cafe, me and my guy friend, indulged in a serious conversation while waiting for our order... couple of women in tight jeans entered and PAUSE

am waiting for a reaction to something i had said but he just won't open his mouth until he's done staring at their assets...!!!

quite frankly, i have just accepted the whole deal.. its with every man.. whether you are hot or not, you deserve a stare..

and hey gals,, don't get offended the next time you catch some guy staring at you.. it's a contract they have with GOD.. they gotto stare, check and okay the great stuff GOD'S imported down..!!!


Growing up surely demands a lot of frustration, speculations, introspections etc.. as i teenager, i was very rebelious.but in the process of growing as a teenager, you also experience yourself to be very vulnerable and emotional most times.. below is the poem i wrote for my mom as a 15 year old.. even though the poem aint that great, i love thinking bout the emotions i would have had at the moment i was writing this down,,,


Millions of poems must have been made on this topic,

I'm wonderng how to make the poem rhythmic.

this one's got to be special, as the person's really close to my heart,

She's the best thing i have, proud to say i am her part.

I never have to tell her that i am upset

She just knows it and makes it all set.

She makes me capable of everything i do,

And stands by my side,

She's my inspiration

She always saves me from the tide.

She's my origin,

She's where i come from,

Thats the peace my heart experiences

as i say the word MOM!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


praises are almost like diamonds for girls.. no matter how many you get, you always pine for more... and always remember the moments when you got them...

i have dated quite a few guys but out of them, three had come close to being very very good friends,one of which i got married to. even though i like guts and flirtatious moves in a man , i surely wasn't expecting what Francis came up with.

the first guy always said that he loved my eyes, which was very cliche` but i wasn't complaining..
the second said that he found my nose so cute that he couldn't stop himself from noticing it..!
the third being francis, came up to me on our first official date and when was gonna drop me back home aftr the movie, held the car door,stopping me from entering the car, and right there in the parking lot of the multiplex, he said,' you know you have perfect lips, as if they were drawn and so proportionate.. ' .. it was a little awkward as he had his arms around me but not touching me only circling me with the car to which my back was resting on. i said thank you and he smiled and came closer only to give me jitters of nervousness in my whole damn body and said,' arre dont thank me, just give me a kiss.. coz your lips are made for kissing, just one kiss ,thats all...'

somethings are not worth forgeting, even though, to tell you the truth, all my gutts and extrovert sharp self felt paralyzed and i felt surrendered...
just to inform before you start imagining..the kiss didn't happen that day.. it was his strategy of a built up... but wasnt even long after that...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

do u wanna hear the truth?

the casual formalities that we so obediently follow,sometimes put us in the spot..
when you ask someone,'how are you?' only expect a 'fine' or 'good' or 'great'..or at the most 'not that good, but its okay'.. and you are done with that.. my openig line for any conversation is 'hi, how are you?' and so i started this conversation with my neighbour and hell..!! she told me exactly how she was.. this is how she went off...' arre what can i tell you? my daughter doesnt listen to me, i wanna leave my husband but kya karu, nahin kar sakti aisa.. i went to the gym yesterday and i have a severe back ache due to this yoga asana i did, i went for shopping thereon and i really liked this dress but i couldnt buy it as i have a dress of the same color, i was making lunch today and all got burnt, i had such a touh day but you know what i am great, you tell me how are you?'... i was embarrased i couldn't reply coz i was so busy trying not to lose focus, coz afterall i was the one who was so eager to know how she was..!!!

speaking of telling the truth,we had gone for this naming ceremony of a baby girl of one of our family friends. the girl was of the darker complexion while her elder brother was quite fair.. there were about 150 people gathered and each one could see that but yet one of these honest sadistic aunties come up and say ' tch tch tch the girl is darker, so bad.. ladka kala hota toh chalta, ladki kali ho gayi...' !!! there was silence ...

or when honesty is what the topic is i dont know why some people dont understand that when a person's dressed up for an occassiona and comes up and asks how he/she looks, you are supposed to say good,eventhough they look really ugly..unless ofcourse its your daughter or son,husband or wife..!! the person's put in effort in looking however he/she is looking,,,
one of our friends has this habit of telling exactly how you looking.. guys noone really wants to know the truth bout themselvces.. just say good things and hold the goddamn peace and spread happiness...!!!!!

ps : though being a saddist at times ,even i love telling the exact truth..but that's different story all together...;P

Monday, December 22, 2008

where do babies come from?

had gone to a family get together recently and all the kids of the family somehow like spending most of their times with me..
which means they bombard me with most questions that have no answer or answer which are complex to make them comprehend..
why every kid on this planet, wants ,by default, to know where do kids come from..!! i mean every single kid wants to know if god made kids and let them grow and then wanted to hear the creative answers adults fumble around to give them...
ah! its a blessing from god.. god comes and leaves him with mommy in the night, hmmmmmmm... beats me..
kids are smarter now to know god doesnt come and leave the little kid beside mommy..!! but obviously not smart enough to know the real they ponder on for better creative answers..!!
one such kid had a creative question for me rather than the usual,where kids come from..she asked,' do babies also come like little birdies, from eggs?'

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sukriti..friend and more

Am one of the few lucky ones who has managed to have a friend for the keeps..
i take this as an achievement for have a friend who is just another you who knows wen u have to listen,when u gotto shup up and when u HAVE to speak..
to not have introduced Sukriti Sharma would mean that am not expresing myself right..

below are the lines that my friend dedicated to me..(i know its like the most selfish thing to do,rather than writing bout her,am writing,what she wrote for me...but then this is my blog and i satisfy my ego first;-)...)

to saumya,
i don't kow what will happen in the future,i cant change the past but i can thank you for the present,for being my closest friend and letting me be yours...

and plus,she dedicated a song for me called

if i just do my thing and you do yours,
we stand in danger of losing each other and ourselves.
i am not in this world tyo live upto your expectations;
but i am in this world to confirm you
as a unique human being
and to be confirmed by you,
we are fully ourselves only in relation to each other;
the I detached from you, Disintegrates.
i do not find you by chance;
i find you by an active life of reaching out.
rather than passively letting things happen to me,
i can act intentionally to make them happen,
i must begin with myself,true;
but i must not end with myself;
the truth begins with two..
thanks inna(sukriti) for everything...
i promise a cactus to you