Wednesday, January 28, 2009


two days before new year we were suposed to go for a dance party where the roadies DJ vikrant was playing the music at some farm..

we had already planned the whole thing and bang!!... a havoc was created in the apartments i live by some slum dwealers residing opposite to our place...

cars were broken ...stones and a complete rampage.....

so i decided not to go....

fank came home and we called off the plan ,when mom pestered us to go... after a lot of convincing, at around 12:30, when our friends were already at the farm, we decided to go

as we came down dressed and sat in the car we discovered that the petrol was lining around empty..

so we went to a nearby petrol pump to find it closed...

we calledor friends and said we have no fuel and are unable to come...they told us bout a pump off city on the way to the farm which remains open...

so we drove some 8 kms off city to find the other petrol pump closed too..

we remembered about this pump on the highway around 3 kms away which generally is open..

again to our fate,,even that was closeddown...

as we took the signal,,,that we arent meant to dance and started driving back home ,frank remembered this one more pump off highway 2kms away and to our luck it was open....

so after the car was fueled up,,we started off for the farm..ignoring the signs that said we should go home ...

we reached the farm with it was far..dark and away from the city....

after reaching the place we found the place flocked with stags ..only 4-5 couples dancing around...

and worse.. the music was sad.....

so it was one of those dissappointing days when you fight all the signs of staying home to only realise that signs have a meaning....:)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


my relationship with francis has been the easiest of ones to deal with...

the casuality of us being married was that we never realised "being married"...

i still use my maiden name and am not used to being addressed as Frank's wife..

a year ago,one of my friends was moving out of her apartment to some other city and i was there to help out..

an agent along with a guy came in to check out the apartment so that it can be given on rent again...

the guy looked familiar but i couldnt recall who it was.. he too looked at me like he was recollecting where he had met me...

and suddenly as he was about to go out, he turned and asked,'oh! aren't you Mrs. D'cunha?'

'no', i said and my friend looked at me cofused,,and nugded me and it struck me..' yes yes oh Mrs D'cunha, yes thats me'...

he left with a questioned confused look on his face...

i wonder what a lunatic the guy must be taking me for or he must be sure frank and i dont get along ..!!!

either ways... Mrs D'cunha signs off untill the next post...:P

Thursday, January 22, 2009

PIMPLE !!!!!!!!!!PANIC..........

invariably....everytime...i have to go meet someone i havent met for a long time...

or have to go for a party or worse... a wedding....

there it is

a large red pimple............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and not on the rim of my hairline..where i could hide it with tact but right there,out in open, for everyone to see...on my nose,,,, or in the middle of my cheeks...or between the eye brows...!!!!!

it doesnt just look bad.. i hate the sound of it.. as if the name occured to the person who named it that only after feeling the disgust of the thing..! the 'm' between the p's and the 'l' is like the curtain raiser of something horrible...!!!!!

otherwise, when am home or grocery shopping or at a bookstore....ALONE...
I flaunt quite a clear skin...

but my pimples have something agaisnt me...

they wait for the right moment to pop out and stay there till am in confinement again,

and no one's watching...

Monday, January 19, 2009


okay.. one thing i wanna make clear before scribbling my toughts down... i still find staring a funnily wierd thing bout guys....

BUT i was getting dressed to go pick frank from the bus stop, i picked up this top i had bought long long backa nd never had the courage to wear it ... its a white soft cotton flowing top, which is tight at the top and flows from beneath the chest,just wear the belly starts... and it has little pink flowers on it...
usually you would 'never' find me in such a top..coz i find them really girlish(owing to my over confident body language) these kind of clothes are exactly what i avoid all the time but ....
i was feeling beautiful and when you have that high of feeling good by think you did get away with anything...

we decided to stop at a joint for narial pani before going home....and as i walked out of the car to buy the narial pani for us ............................................i dont know how to explain the feeling..................... but with my hair held high with a pin and my curls falling over my shoulder and with the white top flowing...i could feel the stares all around... even though am dealing with post natal fats..i felt so pretty!!!

and hey to feel pretty is the best feeling after having a high of dancing crazy all over the floor after you are a bottle of rum high between two...!!! which in turn is equal to having an orgasm....

so my day ended with a great positive feeling...:D

Thursday, January 8, 2009


we were going for our new year celebration,,,

we had an arguement in the car about something(the thing with marriage is you don't remember what you fought about, luckily i never really do.............................remember)

our arguements are very simple....i have to end it with proving myself right or else...the thing never ends....

we reached the place...

music was awesome..blaring through our eardrums...

i had decided that i was going to be angry...

and just then Frank reached out for my waist and pulled me close....

that did it...

i had won the arguement ,,

and we jived..our feet in sync...

our heartbeats,,the same rate...

never losing eye contact...

never losing the touch....

pulling and letting go...

our palms sweaty but the grip tight.,

and his broad shoulders swinging from this side to that...

and lord..! does he look sexy or what ..

if only, you know what feeling the music and following the heartbeat means...

my hair,which was done up neatly when i had arrived was now in wild curls..hanging down my shoulder...

and just as the music was about to finish, he did the last stint of pulling me all the way to his arms and curling his arm around my waist and doing the close dance bit..

our feet still hadn't lost sync... and he drew me right into his arms,my hands around his neck, in just about time the music ended..!

and we unlocked as we heard clapping sounds and found ourselves in the middle on onlookers...

thats where i always, invariably, fall in love again..and again..!

and even though i had won the arguement...he ended up proving himself right there...and i didn't debate further....! :D

Friday, January 2, 2009



Thursday, January 1, 2009


when you are in the initial stages of a relationship,you wanna spend all the time with the other one..

i had fallen in love and college attendence seemed like a very small price to pay for those few hours i could spend with Frank(Francis) early in the morning,before he left for work...

i was warned by our college principal,Father Francis, of my short attendence and the consequences.. but i was so hopelessly in love..!

i had excellent attendence in classes in the second half, after Francis dropped me off to college while going for work..

one day i was called to the Principal's office and to my horror......... Mom was sitting there in front of Father Francis.......!!(i was a pretty good student through out school and mom never had to be called for anything...!!!!!!!!!!!!!so this was going to be pretty bad)

my mom who had no experience of being called by the principal of either of her children,was fuming and i was in the kitchen preparing tea..absent minded...guilt inflicted in my nervousness...i was so sure my mom had found out that i was spending time with Frank that i was preparing myself to defend...

and mom said..but what is all this is and since when is francis sir telling you all this..!

i skipped the "sir" and said in the most passionate i could sound..'i love him ma..i love Francis'

and pause

mom, with shock, horror, and disgust on her face asked...'you love Father Francis?'