Tuesday, January 27, 2009


my relationship with francis has been the easiest of ones to deal with...

the casuality of us being married was that we never realised "being married"...

i still use my maiden name and am not used to being addressed as Frank's wife..

a year ago,one of my friends was moving out of her apartment to some other city and i was there to help out..

an agent along with a guy came in to check out the apartment so that it can be given on rent again...

the guy looked familiar but i couldnt recall who it was.. he too looked at me like he was recollecting where he had met me...

and suddenly as he was about to go out, he turned and asked,'oh! aren't you Mrs. D'cunha?'

'no', i said and my friend looked at me cofused,,and nugded me and it struck me..' yes yes oh Mrs D'cunha, yes thats me'...

he left with a questioned confused look on his face...

i wonder what a lunatic the guy must be taking me for or he must be sure frank and i dont get along ..!!!

either ways... Mrs D'cunha signs off untill the next post...:P