Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall in love with "right now"

No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.
- Barbara de Angelis

life's good when its full of surprises..surprise yourself by holding your tongue when it wants to lash out, surprise yourself by letting go off your ego, surprise yourself by achieving a target, surprise yourself by testing your limits of stamina and running an extra mile, surprise yourself by making someone smile, surprise yourself by not falling prey to your weaknesses..  guaranteed you will fall in love with life and yourself...!!

how much time we waste wanting to sleep for 10 more minutes and we end up sleeping for an extra hour..:O .. how much respect we lose as we speak off accuses and abuses and false stories in anger or malice and we end up ruining relationships..:/.. how much peace of mind do we disturb as we fall back on our targets and end up frustrated..:|..

why give yourself any concession from happiness?

my friends who have known me for long, would know what i talk about and would understand the change in heart.. but for those of you who think i am preaching, No,,,sorry to have come forth like that, if i may.. a heart that's always negotiating for a little more happiness, pushes me to tolerate a bit more, stops me when i have a severe need to argue to prove myself, helps my tongue to remain held back when i want to say the worst things, is pleading for me to spread the happiness..

life's too short and so unpredictable that it caught me off guard more than once.. and am not taking anymore chances of wasting my life in addictions, laziness, anger, malice, dishonesty, ego... i am grabbing this very moment, doing what i love the most and smiling all along...! as i close my eyes in prayers and gratitude, i feel for your happiness from the bottom of my heart...

and for a few friends and people who i have hurt in past with my words and deeds, i ask for your kind forgiveness and pray for your happiness,,,

signing off,
yours sincerely,


  1. beautifully written ,
    you do have a philosopher in you

    finally my teachings have paid off :P

  2. good one that i should learn from :) thanks dear

  3. Well written --- Arthat --- He who knows others is learned; He who knows himself is wise.

    Excellent one from you as usual

  4. the words are flowing as a piece of beautiful music, soothing, calming and deep within leaving an impression so profound.
    Really happy to read this and sure shines out your potential at one more aspect and that is writing.

    We all know the facts but only the difference is in practicing and mastering the art of control.

    Sure this will help all those who read, thanks for sharing these wonderful thoughts and facts.

  5. Nice one..somi...! cant wait for ur book now :-)
