Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mumbai meri jaaaan...!

three months in the city and long drunken night by worli sea face, clubbing all night, coloba shopping, roadside tandoori chicken on bandra station, more clubbing, loads of train journey with sweaty co-passengers, getting stuck in traffic for over 4 hours for a 15 km drive, theft, comedy store at Palledium, hours in malls, Aksa beach, getting completely lost in powai with similar looking buildings, hours of shopping on sales, movies back to back, waiting by the window watching rain, staying awake for three days three nights playing the host, making new friends, reuniting with the old, and boom! a bomb-blast!!!

It had my breath held for hours till i knew all friends family were safe, but i cried that day.. i cried for mumbai and i felt for it.. i embraced it and my heart ached for it..
i smiled when i saw it gathering itself, standing up and starting to run by the very next day...!

When i had to move to Mumbai from ahmedabad three months back, i resisted, i twitched inside, i was scared to be lost in the big city, i was apprehensive to adjust with high rents, i refused to have a family life restricted to late nights and sundays, i feared the practicality of things in this city, most of all i thought i would never fit in and accomodate myself in the routine of The City, Mumbai itself..
But Mumbai.. it accommodates one and all and it pushes you to keep running..
indeed the city of dreams....the energy of this city has me in its flames of fire..!MOre than anything, the city's pace is an inspiration in itself.. its spirit is so alive that it embraces you, nomatter who you are! It triggers my creativity and makes me want to make my place here...
Mumbai makes me move, groove, makes me laugh and cry, makes me yearn and satisfied all at the same time.. never before have i felt this belonged in a new city.. Cheers to Mumbai!  


  1. So Mumbai was successful in casting its magic on you. I have friends who have similar experiences. Ahmedabad and Mumbai has no comparison, apples to oranges. Ahmedabad is very very dear to me. A part of me will always be in Ahmedabad. I feel I can never settle in Mumbai. I am hesitant to lose my time at traffic jams when rather I can enjoy it at my peaceful home or somewhere in the greens. I think Mumbai is good for the ones who can enjoy the late nights and the clubbing. Correct me if I am wrong :) .

  2. Dear welcome to Mumbai, the city which never sleeps and the city which has something for everyone. I am glad that you got yourself comfortable in this city so soon.This is the magic of this city. if you have the energy, the city is for u. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! It is an experience :)

  3. dids... that was my aprehension before coming here.. but when i did, my house shows me the greens from its windows.. it literally opens to a lota greens on the 12th floor.. dunno how to explain, when u come to india, u ll see yourself...:P and Ahmedabad is incomparable..a major part of my heart will belong to Ahmedabad which taught me the ways of life..

    @vats- the city that never sleeps is perfect.. i have been happily sleepless for quite some time now...:P

  4. Well i haven't lived Mumbai for long but visit there almost every 2 month and if that visit cud grab into the spirit of Mumbai i believe u shall get dipped into the atmosphere there!
    have fun with some explosive booms!!!!:)

  5. thank you Ruhi baby.. next time you make a trip to mumbai, we shall go to gorai beach as u had wished or even better, take you kids to the water kingdom.. !
