Friday, November 26, 2010


i don't relate to a beauty untold of,
but if it touches me, it whispers a few words...
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
is an old way of saying each one to its own,
but a heart that's unaltered by vices
would identify it at the first glimpse...

i have heard that beauty brightens one's day..
that beauty is so magnificent that it creates magic in the heart
i have seen beauty and i encounter it everyday..
it plays on the strings of my life and creates music
the music that makes me dance to its beats..
its when i want to smile back at the first person i see any morning..
its when my lil boy grips on my finger and cuddles himself in my arms
i feel it when a gentle breeze touches my bare shoulders
i see it when i see a good morning said with content...

beauty is indeed under estimated..
beauty is indeed less evaluated...
beauty is indeed little experienced...
beauty is indeed lacking expression...

i wait for a moment when its easy for my heart to say it..
i cling on to the moment when its felt...
the warmth it gives birth to is inexplainable...
the journey it takes me on is inexplicable

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