Thursday, October 22, 2009


My head feels dizzy from the honking from the car behind...and my eyes tired with all the focus am trying to maintain on the bike in front so he doesnt leave his mark on my car..!the man chewing tobacco in the car beside me is trying his level best to push in his way before if this was a race and nonetheless honking all the way....!!!!!
the lovebirds on the bike on my left are looking here and there and doing this and that and then ..almost grabbing everyone's attention, and people rather than looking ahead for better traffic ettiquettes prefer looking at them and fantasizing their own love life...~~~! and 10 seconds before the signal opens...people start moving away...
i refuse to budge till i don't see that leaves me and my disprin alone...because what follows is a series of non stop honking pestering me to move my car....!!! and some bikes who make their way from behind my car, stop by to pay their abuses for not moving...!!!! i mean.... whatever happened to traffic lights????!!!! then finally as we start moving as the light goes green, somebody from the other side of the road zooms away in front of you almost killing you, so that he saves time and doesnt have to waste his life, waiting on red signal...!!!by the time i park my car and walk out, i feel like a SURVIVOR... as if i have won the battle and made it to my destination...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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