Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Since the longest time, I haven’t been able to share anything I write. In fact I haven’t even been able to pull it through to the end or save them. I type and pen down rampantly as thoughts storm by and delete half way as I glance at the words I have typed or worse tear the paper down.  

My existence to this point has been a disturbing one. I say disturbing, because I have been living to win, running wildly, putting pressure on myself to be the best.

If I write I can express the deepest that there is in me but if its ugly, I fear sharing it. Fear of being judged, fear of not being accepted, of being questioned, of not being appreciated, the pressure I have lived with to be IDEAL.

A pattern I have been trending for as long as I can remember. My need to be the ideal friend, ideal daughter, ideal girl friend, ideal wife, ideal daughter in law, ideal mother, ideal employee had somewhere killed who I really I was.
Ssshh… not tad bit close to ideal.

Now quickly, I will let out. I have screamed as everyone leaves and I used to be by myself. I have wept as I drove alone. I have scribbled wildly as I sat in my company. I have thrown things around in frustration when no one was around. And sadly I have hurt myself in more ways than one…

I have to this point found no pleasure as much as I have treasured frustrations of not being acknowledged for all the freaking effort I put in.

I write this today, and have promised a friend that nomatter how shallow, ugly or unacceptable, I will finish what I want to write and be in peace with it too. A lot to accomplish for a person like me.

You won’t gauge the disappointments I live in if you meet me. My passion, quite contradictorily is happiness, nomatter what I am doing, I love being happy and ensuring happiness for the people I am with and as I mentioned, I run that extra freaking stupid mile to ensure it too.. I don’t fake happiness, because I haven’t really been happy or content for the longest time I have known, but day in and day out, I pick on small happiness that I can foster and embrace till I choke myself.

As I write, I come off desperate, but what the heck! In my desperation, I have resorted to alcohol, smoking, wandering off in absolute strangeness. I have gone to a point of bankruptcy to experience happiness as I gave away money to needy trying to bite off on charity just so I feel happy. I have been needy, I have been demanding, I have been expecting and I have been waiting, and waiting and waiting some more…to a point where just like that, everything just slipped away. All that I was holding onto.

I will share a little story here, prelude of which I have already given … a year or more back, I was surrounded by family and friends, but I cant explain the epitome of loneliness I have experienced. I woke up everyday, feeling empty, feeling unwanted and feeling judged. I still pressurized myself to be ideal and fight the adversity. Let the unfair happen, I even told my self a story to convince myself that I deserved the treatment I received. It went on, being rejected at every effort I put in and being picked on and turned         to only when I could be of some benefit. I felt trapped. I woke up every morning with a new plan to somehow change everything, feeling exhausted by noon and resorting to a glass of 90 ml whisky, rum, vodka or whatever I could get my hands on. By afternoon, the spark would come back to only be gone by evening for me to get on with some more drinking and smoking. How I managed all that still faking normal is a miracle and a sad story.

Because I battled loneliness and mastered a happy exterior and when finally I was freed from it, noone believed I was in pain. Anyway. It went on for a long time, until one day when the whole thing came crashing down and I had to live a new life suddenly.

I had a ruined skin surface due to excessive smoking and drinking and I weighed 18 kgs more than I should have. And I was left to start anew!

Here is where my purpose of writing would justify. For the first few days, I lived in denial, felt lonely, cried my heart out at the drop of hat, but a point came, and thank god it did, where enough was enough.

I woke up one morning, and I ran… for the first few steps that I did, my feet hurt but I felt my heart beating at an unusual pace, a pace that begged I continued. I didn’t stop, this was my time to throw away all my competitiveness. I ran wildly, and I weeped as I did.

Day after day as I ran, I felt layers falling off me, a sudden weight loss and a new found confidence enveloping around me. I was getting undone. I was exploring things I had closed shut my eyes to. I felt good and felt no guilt for it. I met a new person in me and you know what? I love her!

And even though its abrupt, that’s it. I gotto get back to exploring and be back on this journey.  


  1. good to see you posting again Lovely lady!

  2. luvd it...:) the Me side of You...it gave me a virtual hug when i needed it the most....

  3. beautifully crafted..each word encompasses an infinite vigor to brave all odds..there is an echo of the sentiment 'i can be battered,bruised,shaken but d planet does not have the power that can splinter me'.!only a woman of substance can pen doz wrds..stupendous!Awe inspiring!

  4. Love the sincerity of words! and they are beautiful. All the best for all the positive changes you are making in the efforts to find yourself....take
    care dear!

  5. Loved the way it is articulated, Its crafted beautifully and feels real while reading. Lotsss of love to you and am there for you whenever u need a support, no matter we talk frequently, not matter we meet frequently. you can count on me soumi!

  6. The beauty wid which u have expressed the real emotions...its not friction...its the real saumya...

  7. Your frankness of emotions awesome!! The Saumya is back without the fake exteriors, welcome back!!

  8. Anonymous? ? Since your comment says saumya is back..please also mention your name.. ll be glad to know who is happy to have my frankness back..and all my other friends who cared to read...thank you! You guys rock

  9. Aaj ki yuva nari ki aavaj ho tum. You could pen down the pain in me beautifully. Keep writing

  10. it is beautiful saumya.....u left me speechless...

  11. ...................,,...................wow......................
