Saturday, July 25, 2009

First Date

Yea we all have some memories and when it comes to our “first” date, we have the mushiest of memories …only I got something strangely different…….

If I were the typical romantic gal, I would have enjoyed this cafĂ©, the pink walls, the old wooden look, the round coffee bar, the mushy old man by the counter with a warm smile spread on his face, nodding now and then…It was the first time I was on an official date and was hardly 15 and I was highly agitated with the ambience…
I never could appreciate the colour pink much and only then hemant or something close to that(oops I am bad with names) offered to get get me strawberry shake, i mean WHAT??
I politely said I will prefer a coffee instead and guess what…? He comes back with two cups and I could see that the old man was grinning quite widely… I wondered why…
And BOOM!! the coffees had one heart in each with S and H(initials for my name and his, if you didn’t already guess , dud…!!) and the thing that would catch your eye was an arrow going through the coffee… I mean HELLO!!!??
I have met you like twice before this and agreed to come out on a date doesn’t mean I am head over heels in love with you…!!!!!!!!!
Anyhow, I couldn’t make myself even look into that cup rest alone drinking it, so I excused myself to go to the ladies room and ZUPPP..! I flew away on my two wheeler…
Never heard from the guy again, thank God for that…!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Yes, i do love bikes, i Fascinate on smoking, i do love hanging out with friends late in the evening, i make it a rule to pay for myself, i feel offended if someone questions my capabilities, i feel agitated if i am given advices, and yes i abuse a lot...A LOT!!!!but hey don't we all have a bit of male ego in us...

i still love gossip, love getting dressed, love shopping, love being complimented on my looks(but men do too), love being centre of attraction.. this piece of information to clear up doubts ,if any, that guys...NO AM NOT A WANNABE BOY...!!! am as feminine as i can be with a jist of male ego...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

time out in the game of laziness...

crap! i just saw my last post was published on march 30..and lord am i lazy or what to not write no more since then...!!! apologies to the bunch of readers that i have..hmmm i have so many new things to share but all of them are on a prsonal level.. so i ll need time to generalise some and publish them coz i know no one is interested in the personal perspective,even though thats what its gonna be..:P
love all

ps:ll surely come up something in a while and promise to publish something by evening...!cheers