Friday, December 16, 2011

A cocktail of emotoins !

I was cooking last night and decided to make some rice. I opened the box of rice and took out a cup of rice and without warning there were two creeping pink worms crawling on my fingers and one had reached my arm by the time i jerked it away. Suddenly,i realized all the tiny threads felt like crawling worms on my body. I kept jerking my body at every small touch of fabric, thread or tip of the table, everything was a crawling worm going up my body.. Its a feeling, physical, that we know but when we experience it, the meaning changes all together.

Like a creeping worm, the sensation it sends, we know theoretically what it should feel like and even as we think of it we jerk a bit to throw the feeling away, similarly we know how hurt should feel, how depression would feel, how sulking should feel, how betrayed would feel and when we see a person suffering of the said feelings, we, almost all of us have one golden advice..."move on, let go".. but when a person goes through these feelings, moving on and letting go are the only difficult almost impossible things to do. Each one who is sad, depressed and sulking knows emotions unknown. They feel their heart twist, turn, bend and burn in ways theory can never explain.

But having talked about sadness and depression, as a tiny little being of this universe, have you ever wondered how many varied feeling are we capable of? and have you noticed how only happiness, smiles, politeness, understanding are the emotions that are receptive by all? Easily acceptable, aren't they? To do good and to be good are almost the same side of the coin. No matter how many people advice and no matter how important those people are, unless you don't want to, you won't let go or move on. Each one of us possess the power to be sad and happy at our discretion. If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

But we underestimate ourselves, we struggle with loss, hatred and betrayal. We consider them our misfortunes and feel essentially deficient. We let ourselves possessed by these feelings and hold the people associated with them as the root cause of our stress. But if we surrendered, things would be different. If you look at the larger picture, only what has to happen, will happen. That doesn't mean we give up and wait for things to happen. But holding onto feelings and letting worthlessness win, is unfair. To you and to people around you. So open the pores you have blocked, let the stream of utter happiness flow in you. It's really easy to do. Surrender. Stop the blame game. No one but you take responsibility of your feelings. And you are the most welcomed when you have a smile in your heart. Strain the bitterness, shed the dullness, throw the dark and kiss the sun! The next moment is new. Forgive now, repent now, let go of it and fly. Be blessed!